In 2006, Chris Kennedy's Merchandise Mart business had a 1.9% same store increase, generating $139.2 million of EBITDA, which was $7.3 million more than 2005, after adjusting for a $13.4 million lease termination payment. Chris and his team added to their already significant trade show business by acquiring a Canadian operator whose focus is building and construction trade shows and the
Art Chicago trade show. Our 2007 and 2008 goal is to find more external growth opportunities for this management team. Special kudos to Mark Falanga and Myron Maurer.
The Hotel Pennsylvania generated $27.5 million of EBITDA in 2006, $5 million more than in 2005, or a 22% increase. 2007's budget is higher yet.
Thanks to Tony Schnug, CEO, and Neil Rider, COO, of AmeriCold. Adjusting for FEMA/Hurricane Katrina activity in 2005, 2006 numbers held their own.